Best Over the Ear Bluetooth Headphones 2015

ModelFeature #1Feature #2Price ($ = low, $$ = moderate, $$$ = higher priced product)Average User Rating /5
Beats Studio Wireless SeriesBluetooth stays connected up to 30 feetsignature DSP software is designed to generate the emotional experience that some of the music industry's greatest rock, hip-hop, pop, electronic, and R&B producers want you to feel.$$$4.3 out of 5 stars
Sennheiser Urbanite XL WirelessTough companion - Constructed using premium extra rugged parts like stainless steel hinges and aluminum slidersLegendary Sennheiser sound featuring massive bass, smooth midrange and extended treble.$$4.4 out of 5 stars
Creative Sound Blaster JamErgonomic fit with soft ear cushions to ensure comfort and long listening hoursExtended Bluetooth playback - Get up to 12 hours of wireless audio streaming with the Sound Blaster JAM$4.0 out of 5 stars

There are many reasons why you should get your own Bluetooth over the ear headphones, chief among them is their wireless function. They’re simply all the more convenient than your average earphones with dangling wires that always end up tangled after you take them out of their container. It’s a nightmare to deal with those wires, correct?

That’s why Bluetooth everything is super-popular at present, including Bluetooth headphones. This is what you should remember when searching for the absolute top Bluetooth headphones you can find.

You should get ones that suit your style. Gadgets aren’t just bought for their utility any longer. They’re also purchased for how fashionable they look. This is why the iMac and the iPod were able to bring Apple out of their quagmire once upon a time.

Reviews on the Best Bluetooth Headphones Around

1. Beats Studio Wireless Series: It’s expensive but it’s worth every dollar, cent, and penny. The Beats Studio Wireless more than makes up for its hefty price point by offering a sleek over-the-ear design and customization that ensures that no two headphones look alike. The one you buy is uniquely yours, like a special little snowflake. It stays connected up to 30 feet at that, which no wired earphone can ever claim. What’s more, it’s been innovating and reinventing itself hard.

Newer iterations offer additional quality specs like active noise-canceling technology and a lighter, sexier look to them. They’re also built more sturdily, have softer ear cups that feel soft to the touch of your eats, and you can even run while wearing them. It’s a snug fit all-in-all without feeling altogether too tight and whatnot. Jog to your heart’s content while blasting “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor in your Beats Studio. It’s expensive, but there can be no doubt that it’s worth the money.

2. Sennheiser Urbanite XL Wireless: No list about high-end over-the-ear Bluetooth headphones are complete without mentioning a product from Sennheiser, who’s only outdone by Beats Studio in terms of pricing but not necessarily in terms of quality. Here’s the nitty-gritty when it comes to the Sennheiser Urbanite XL Wireless in particular. The Urbanite XL has a dynamic sound and a really urban design, as its name suggests. It’s a superb ear bud that takes full control of your calling and music-listening needs.

The great thing about the Sennheiser Urbanite XL is that it has 25 hours of music playback thanks to its strong battery as well as aptX support, touch controls, and dual microphones, which makes full use of that almost $300 price tag. However, it does have minor demerits in terms of a skimpy nylon pouch and the tendency to make already gritty songs sound harsher than they really are. Other than that, it’s the perfect purchase.

3. Creative Sound Blaster Jam: Creative Sound Blaster is a well-known brand of speakers back in the Nineties that has apparently extended their brand line to include high-quality headphones that don’t wear out and become worthless to use after six months or less like their $10 counterparts. Compared to the Sennheiser Urbanite XL and the Beats Studio Wireless, Creative Sound comes at an affordable price, one-tap bass enhancement, and convenient charging. As a headset for making phone calls, this doesn’t work so well.

Also, some people might find its design too basic and barebones. However, even though the modest price point does mean you’re going to get some cons with this Bluetooth earphone compared to other wireless offerings that cost upwards to $300 and more, it’s still worth every penny when everything is said and done, with its 12-hour battery life and lightweight yet durable design. The bottom line here is that it offers great sound for something so affordable, which is why it’s a top pick of this list.

The Benefits of Buying Bluetooth Headphones

  1. Stylishness: Earphones with dangling wires from your body to your music player or even cellphone aren’t cool. You look like you’re on life support with all those wires sticking out of you. Style isn’t an objective kind of metric. Trends also come and go in waves. In the Late Eighties and Early Nineties, tight jeans were all the rage. Then in the Late Nineties and Early Turn of the Millennium, baggy pants were instead what the youth were after.
  1. Trendiness: As of late, during the Late Turn of the Millennium to the New Tens, skinny jeans have made a comeback. Headphones are things that you can consider as trends rather than fads. The thing about them is that unlike other fashion pieces that are inconvenient for the sake of looking cool, your stylish Bluetooth earphones tend to combine form and function quite superbly.
  1. Socialization: No man is an island. People want to socialize and belong. Therefore, it’s definitely encouraging to have Bluetooth headphones as a means of socialization. Around five to six years ago, Bluetooth technology and the like were just new, so to have one means you’ll be the talk of the town or, at least, someone of note within your circle of friends, because chances are you’ll be the first to have them.
  1. Availability: Nowadays, this device is more of the norm, so to have a model enables you to socialize and interact with like-minded people who also buy these devices. It’s something you have in common that you can use to start conversations with or break the ice. Talk about the inconvenience of wires or the kind of music you listen to.

The best thing about Bluetooth over ear headphones is that they’ve advanced so far in streaming through the air information and digital data without using a wire that more often than not, you can get the best sound from them.

With that said, the main takeaway you should get from this article is the fact that Bluetooth technology is here to stay for the foreseeable future unless something better comes along.


ModelFeature #1Feature #2Price ($ = low, $$ = moderate, $$$ = higher priced product)Average User Rating /5
Beats Studio Wireless SeriesBluetooth stays connected up to 30 feetsignature DSP software is designed to generate the emotional experience that some of the music industry's greatest rock, hip-hop, pop, electronic, and R&B producers want you to feel.$$$4.3 out of 5 stars
Sennheiser Urbanite XL WirelessTough companion - Constructed using premium extra rugged parts like stainless steel hinges and aluminum slidersLegendary Sennheiser sound featuring massive bass, smooth midrange and extended treble.$$4.4 out of 5 stars
Creative Sound Blaster JamErgonomic fit with soft ear cushions to ensure comfort and long listening hoursExtended Bluetooth playback - Get up to 12 hours of wireless audio streaming with the Sound Blaster JAM$4.0 out of 5 stars

For more Bluetooth headphone models, check out this post.


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