
Category Archives for "Blog & Grow"

Going Away For A Week

Hey Guys. Well as I said before, things have been hectic around here, but I can safely say that the Easter Holidays are nearly upon us. However, I am leaving tomorrow (Friday 30th) morning to go on a Geography Field Trip. I am going for about a week and returning on the following Thursday in […]

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What To Do When Tiredness Creeps In

It’s a fact in life. Unless you’re some machine with no feeling of mental or physical strain, you’re gonna get tired. This tiredness can come in any form – the most usual of that being the physical limits that you experience when you’re zonked out. Right now, I’m even finding it hard to type this […]

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What’s Your Rubber Band?

This is a guest post by Brian Lash who can be found at his entrepreneurial blog (feed). I wear a rubber band around my wrist. No, it’s not one of the ubiquitous Livestrong bracelets, or one with a trendy “This is our house” declaration of the Under Armor brand’s variety. Mine is a simple, […]

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First Google AdSense Payment Received

This weekend marked a memorable landstone for me and my income earnings online. After spending a year blogging, I finally reached the $100 payout stage and received a Direct Deposit into my bank account. You can see the screenshot below (click on the thumbnail): A few of you may be asking, how come it took […]

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How To Make The Most Out Of Schooling

Today I read a post by Dave Askaripour asking if any entrepreneurs had experienced the physical hatred of school that he had come to recognise as he was finishing up University, and whether anyone had solutions to coping with the problem. This struck a chord with me on 2 notes. Firstly, I’m still in full-time […]

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Blogtreprelinking – 23.2.07

I don’t do many of these. In fact, the last Blogtreprelinking session we had was all the way back in August of last year. But I think its time for me to step back and reflect upon the blogosphere and the amazing amounts of mouthwatering posts that have been coming out in the past few […]

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