
Category Archives for "Blog & Grow"

The New Venture Decision: A Defense of the Always-Moving Entrepreneur

This is a guest post by Brian Lash who can be found at his entrepreneurial blog (feed). How do you approach new business opportunities? Perhaps you’re the type who performs some due diligence, but then enters the marketplace with a try-a-lot-of-stuff-and-keep-what-sticks attitude. You define entrepreneurship, from your willingness to pursue your reward in the […]

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Wanted – Entrepreneur Blogger

Over the time I’ve been working here at Blogtrepreneur, I’ve always wanted to continually expand my business and blog to make it more accessible to a greater audience and range of people. I’ve always thought that this would come with increased postage and commitment. However with school and time pressures from a hectic life it […]

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Zoinks, Im A Z-Lister!

At the weekend I received an email from Maki saying that he had added me to the “Z-List”. At first I was a bit confused – was this a meme targeted at those who had the crappest blogs and who were the most awful writers in the blogosphere? I jogged onto Dosh Dosh to have […]

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End Of Poll: Welcome Marketing Gurus!

Well after nearly a month of running time (which is quite ridiculous actually), I’ve closed the votes for the most recent poll which was entitled, “What’s your best online entrepreneurial skill?”. In total we had 33 participants which was the 3rd highest ever, but it was also the longest run poll ever (so I think […]

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