I wanted to finish the small series I started which opened with Pay Per Article and Pay Per Post on Forums. The main aim of this series was to show entrepreneurs and online webmasters that there are other ways to make money online away from the stereotypical Adsense, Amazon and affiliate programs. In this post, […]
Continue readingAs I was sitting at school yesterday, I noticed I had a slight pain in my hand everytime I tried to write something from the board down into my notes. I constantly massaged my hand and was thinking of reasons why this was happening. I hadnt been playing that much golf, I had only just […]
Continue readingYesterday while I was doing my normal internet errands (checking my newsfeeds, latest posts from my favourite websites, stats, etc), I noticed that I hadn’t been contacted using my contact page ever from Blogtrepreneur readers. I thought this was a bit odd, as I was pretty sure at least one or two people would be […]
Continue readingNot long ago I heard of a site called Tubetorial.com that was going to be putting free videos online about Internet Marketing, Web Development and Legalities. Today it launched and I’ll be reviewing whether it was worth the hype or whether it fell short of the mark. When I initially saw the design for TT.com […]
Continue readingI decided to end the Poll on my Adsense layouts a bit earlier than usual to make way for my new poll. All of these have been in aid of revolutionising Blogtrepreneur and the way in which information is given to you as an entrepreneur in the 21st century. The results of the last poll […]
Continue readingToday I went back to school. It was really great seeing some schoolfriends that I hadn’t seen in 2 or so months. The easy morning gave us all to catch up on our holidays, our different stories, funny stories (about the odd people!), and the depressing nature of going back to school. I managed to […]
Continue reading65 days ago I sat here in my study with a sigh of relief and nothing but anticipation, the summer sun and relaxation running through my body. The start of the summer holidays often brings up these kind of feelings, but this year I knew that these 2 and a half months would be different. […]
Continue readingA few weeks ago I posted about Pay per Post on Forums. I wanted to continue the mini-series today by focusing on a different way by which internet bloggers and writers can make money, and a way which I have been contacted about many times – getting paid to write an article for a blog […]
Continue readingLately I’ve been thinking a lot about Adsense and ad placements. Maybe its because Im reading too much Workboxers, or maybe Im just paranoid because my earnings have hit rock bottom. Either way I need to make a conclusive decision whether the ads are really working for me or not. As a result, I need […]
Continue readingThe current poll, “What Program or Affiliate Brings you the Highest Revenue from your Website?” has now gone on for quite some time – and I’ve been able to gather some pretty conclusive data once again. Thankyou to everyone who placed their votes and I hope we can continue to solve the mysteries surrounding entrepreneurship, […]
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