So here we are. I’ve added a little more time to this current poll to make sure that I had roughly the same number of voters as with the “How Much Do You Make With Adsense” poll. So the results are in – and I think they have produced some very conclusive results. As you […]
Continue readingFirst up in this series of tools for the Young Entrepreneur is Paypal ( When it comes to the internet, the first thing you need (apart from a computer, mouse and internet connection) is a means of sending and receiving money. For every single eBay user out there, and most small entrepreneurs, the easiest and […]
Continue readingYesterday saw the completion of the Golf Chum program that I’ve been creating for the past 2 weeks. I was very happy with the way things have been going, and managed to find a solution to a problem that I had been facing. With the help of my “wannabe programmer” brother, I managed to package […]
Continue readingYesterday I thought it would be a good idea if I started noting down my expenses – my outgoings and incomings in terms of revenue. By the way if you are running an online business or website then I would definitely recommend doing this as a means of organising yourself. Now as a young entrepreneur […]
Continue readingI’ve been reading about so many internet startups recently, including my own of course with the launch of However, as I posted in one of my regular forums that I visit, there are hardly any websites that contain information relevant to teenagers and young entrepreneurs about starting a business or a site online. As […]
Continue readingThis article conveniently follows on from my post on How To Create Income Streams. I was contacted today by a good contact that I have become to know more about over the past few weeks. His name is Andreas Bard, and I have to say, when it comes to developing ways of creating cashflow, this […]
Continue readingI stumbled across this site today from various blogs mentioning their services. helps to analyse your search engine traffic more and as a result promises to increase your revenue as you will know what terms search engine visitors are using to get to your site. 103Bees says, “It’s a real-time online web analytics tool […]
Continue readingI’m writing this article in response to Darren Rowse’s Group Writing Project Over At Problogger. He asked the question to all of his readers, “What would you do differently if you had to start your blog over again?” I’ll firstly give a list of the “shallower” things that I would have done differently, and then […]
Continue readingA few weeks ago, Rex invited me to write at his new site Today, I decided to take him up on his offer, and so wrote a new article called “Comments Never Hurt Anyone”. I thought it was an appropriate title for a blog all about blogging! I think Im starting to be recognised […]
Continue readingWe’ve all seen it before. “Lets start a blog or a website that will be really easy to get up and running, then we’ll put some free internet content on it, then we’ll cover the page with Adsense and wait for the millions to roll into the account.” You tell your friends to go to […]
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