I’m into Text Link Ads Publisher Program! + Feedvertising

FeedvertisingOh happy days! Yesterday I finally got the long awaited email from TLA telling me that I had been accepted into their Publisher Program. As you can see in the left sidebar, I have added a new section called “Featured”, and because it is above the fold, this should encourage advertisers to buy space on the site. Im not listed in the Text Link Ads directory yet, but I should be soon. Here is some of the information that they sent in the acceptance email,

“Please note the price we will be selling links off this page: https://www.blogtrepreneur.com is between $10.00 and $25.00 per month per link.
We will sell a maximum of 8 links on this page so with our 50% revenue share policy your site can make between $40.00 and $100.00 per month if we fill all 8 ad spots with advertisers.

*Please note final pricing is set in this range by Text Link Ads based on current market demand.

Once we have filled the 8 spots on https://www.blogtrepreneur.com we will invite you to submit your other top pages and we will continue to fill your individual pages with ads and increasing your monthly income.
Your check will be mailed to you the 1st of every month. You can login to your account at any time to monitor earnings.

Text Link Ads”

Unfortunately, I was expecting a little more money from them, however it was my PR that probably let me down (although PR4 is still very good for a 3 month old site Im told!) If you want to buy an text link ad space here on Blogtrepreneur.com, follow these steps:

  • Sign up with Text Link Ads using my referral code please (this means that I get $25 commission – so you’ll be supporting my blog in more ways than one!)
  • Search for “Blogtrepreneur” in the searchbar of TLA and order either a text link or an RSS ad (explained later) or both if you want optimal exposure for your site. This will mean PR juice and traffic!
  • Complete the payment process and I will approve your ad which will appear instantaneously here in the sidebar and feed of Blogtrepreneur – how simple is that!

Along with selling Text Links on all my blog’s pages (roughly 125 so far), I have also put Blogtrepreneur down to sell Text Links in my feed. This is all thanks to an ingenious new system called Feedvertising. The basic idea is that most people use RSS these days, which means that your sidebar links will not be seen. The option to have text links in your feed will mean that RSS subscribers still have adverts (although there is no Pagerank benefit to your site). Unfortunately Feedvertising is only available to WordPress 2.0+ users, but fortunately for me I updated my version of WordPress a few weeks ago. This is because you must download a plugin which enables ads in your feed.

Im not sure if I will sell any of the 4 RSS spaces I have up for sale as this new method of advertising may not have cottoned on, but its worth a shot, and if I don’t sell any, then Im still free to put my own custom messages and links at the end of every feed post!

All in all, Im happy with the smooth runnings of TLA, and now I just have to wait to see if I’ll sell anything.

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