6 Solid Exam Revision Tips

All across the world, the months of May and June are notorious for being the months of exams. Whether you’re doing your Finals, your A Levels, your International Baccalaureats, your GCSEs or your normal End of Year examinations, chances are that you’re gonna have a hill or a mountain to climb in order to get […]

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101 Essential Blogging Resources

Update: There are now 122 resources, so thanks for your suggestions and keep them coming! With the amount of tools and programs cropping up all over the web for every type of person imaginable, its about time that someone wrote a massive list of resources for bloggers. Fortunately, I’ve taken up that responsibility to share […]

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Procrastination – Fighting The Enemy

Procrastination is something that all of us dread. Whether we’re a blogger, a freelance web designer, an athlete or CEO of a multinational company, the act of procrastination can severely damage your business’ progress and can eat away at your most valuable resource – time. So what is procrastination and how can you prevent it? […]

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Comments Feed

Just a quick note to say that there’s now a new Blogtrepreneur Comments Feed for those real enthusiasts who want to keep up with the latest conversation at the site. For those of you who’ve subscribed to the comments feed before today, please unsubscribe and then resubscribe – because all statistics are now tracked through […]

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And The 1000th Commentor Is…

So after a fun-filled weekend I’m finally back again and will be pleased to say that I won’t be going away for another 2 months, so hopefully content levels can be re-upped. If you remember, on Thursday I started a simple competition to see who the 1000th commentor would be on the blog. Now, stupidly, […]

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The 1000th Comment

A quick post again as stuff’s still being added to the site, but I’m nearing the 1000th comment on this blog. For me this is a great big massive deal so to celebrate it, I’m giving away a free month long PR5 text link in the sidebar of this blog for the 1000th commenter! This […]

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