My First Online Venture – GolfChum.com

I’ve been blogging for a fair few months here on Blogtrepreneur.com and previously on my Blogger account. In this time I have managed to build relationships with fellow young entrepreneurs and I have managed to work out that money is not everything in life – building relationships and building reputable systems within the workplace are […]

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To Be or Not To Be Anonymous

I just wanted to touch on this topic because even though I use my name “Adnan” on this blog and in my other internet ventures, I don’t like putting my full name on the internet. Now call me mad, paranoid or simply foolish, but I am still cautious about putting my information on the net. […]

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Why do you Blog?…for Pride

Now this part on the Series of Why Do You Blog? may be the most subtle and rare reason for blogging, but nevertheless, I thought I would outline some of the major points involved and a few case study examples of Blogging For Pride. According to Wikipedia, refers to “a strong sense of self-respect, a […]

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Website Downtime

Yesterday, you may have experienced some difficulties when trying to access Blogtrepreneur.com. Also, the same might have happened a week ago. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. The cause of the problem was that my webhost called Frozen Webhost was moving my site to a new and much faster “AMD64 3800+ with 2 […]

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Breaking Barriers 24/7

Today when I woke up, and logged into my computer, I felt a huge sense of achievement. In my sidebar, I noticed that I had managed to reach 51 subscribers to Blogtrepreneur. The breaking of the “50 barrier” even though I had not set that as a goal, seemed to be highely significant, and thus […]

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New Digg.com Improvements

Now while I may not be the first one to say this, I’ve recently noticed how beneficial Digg.com has become for Business and Young Entrepreneurs. With the new Digg version, has come a chance to view not only technology related articles, but also Science, Videos, Entertainment, Gaming, and most importantly, World & Business. This new […]

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Ethical Conduct Of An Entrepreneur

Every Friday, whenever I have the time, I meet up with people from our community close to where we live. In the 1 hour slot which we all have together, we normally discuss life-related issues and concerns associated with religion and ethics. In the talk that we had last Friday, the main person in charge, […]

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Blogtrepreneur Forum is Live!

With the help of Matt, we finally managed to get the Blogtrepreneur Forum up and running. We used the free program and script phpBB2 for the forum software and I find that it is very easy to manage and moderate. I started the forum as the quality of comments that I am receiving is very […]

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