Five Tips for an awesome and SEO-friendly blog post

If you want to start a new blog and want to hit the top shelves, then there are some tips that you would find helpful in this article. In this small traction, we are going to tell you all about the five different tips and techniques that would help you create an excellent and SEO-friendly blog post and that too for free. Many people would recommend you use spinner programs to create blogs, but you must understand that this is not at all the right way to achieve a good SEO-score. The tips discussed below would help you a lot in creating awesome posts.

Think before you write

Thinking or ideation is an entirely different process that has nothing to do while you are writing a blog post. A very common mistake the newbies make is that they don’t think before they write and end up creating chaotic posts. You must complete the process of research before you start writing on a topic. You have to take a pen and paper and start searching the web on the topic that you need to write on. 

You have to shortlist the questions and the answers that the traffic is looking for and have to create a proper structure of the ideation process before you start getting the content down. You have to carefully and professionally plan your title, your content body, your thoughts and the conclusion. 

Devise a proper structure for your post

Now, this is also very much important for you to understand. A simple blog post with tons of information is of no good, especially if you do not have a proper structure. The structure and the format of the blog are very much important for you to maintain or else the search engine would not index or rank the content on the top shelves. 

You must know that your content should be very much clear and precise in providing information. You have to break your blog into small paras and sentences and also add headings and subheadings to these paras. This gives a very professional outlook on your blog. Also know that adding bullet points plays an important role in engaging consumers and readers!

Use relevant keywords in your post

You must know that without keywords, your blog is incomplete and invisible. Keywords are the words that provide visibility to your content, and this is one of the only reasons that you need to find relative words and phrases that suit your niche. You can use keyword finder and planner tools to get the most high-authority keywords that you can stuff in your post without any problem. 

You must know that keywords can take your blog post to the top shelves in no time, but you have to keep on monitoring the exact position of the words that you have used concerning the search engine. Another important tip in this regard is that you use keywords in your title, meta description, headings and the introductory para.

Use plagiarism checker tools

In blogging, checking plagiarism is more important than writing content. People are inclined towards blog posts because of their crispy and unique content. We want you to know that a plagiarism checker can easily scan your work for all sorts of duplication so that you are not accused of plagiarism. Plagiarism can adversely affect the SEO score as well as the credibility of your site, and this is the reason that experts recommend the use of plagiarism checker is essential.

You can check plagiarism with which is among the top quality online tool that can help writers for free. This free plagiarism checker is the most accurate and reliable tool for bloggers. You can also check published content for duplication using the URL of the page. In this way, you can report the person or the site who is stealing your content!

proofread your blog for quality issues

We want you to know that content quality matters a lot in blogging. It should be evident to you that without a proper quality blog, you cannot rank in the top positions. You can use tools like Grammarly and Ginger to check your work for all kinds of human errors. These tools can check your work for grammar mistakes, wrong sentence structures, wrong spelling mistakes, wrong phrases, problems in engagement and also in the delivery of the blog. Not only can you find these errors, but you can also fix them using the solutions provided by these online utilities. You have to make sure that your content is error-free before you publish it for indexing!

If you follow these tricks, then you can easily create a reader and SEO friendly blog post.

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