Would I Care If I Made $0.00?
I’m writing this article in response to Darren Rowse’s Group Writing Project Over At Problogger. He asked the question to all of his readers, “What would you do differently if you had to start your blog over again?”
I’ll firstly give a list of the “shallower” things that I would have done differently, and then I’ll delve deeper – so to start with:
- I wouldn’t have been tight, and I would have bought this domain name earlier with hosting so as to add to my reputation earlier and to get that all valuable search engine listing in sooner in the blogging game.
- I wouldn’t have used Blogger to start my blog. Over at my crappy .blogspot.com domain I had limited options in terms of design and usability, I only had one page to my site which would have sincerely affected my SEO, I had to display the Google/Blogger search bar at the top of the page, and I had to live with the fact that I was unable to get accepted into the blogosphere fully as a result of my domain name. Call it prejudice if you will, but I still find that I get frustrated reading a blog who continues to use Blogger. Google owns their account and get delete it when and where they want. If any of you are still using Blogger I would truly recommend you switch.
- I would have used WordPress as my CMS (content management system). Its usability is fantastic, you can modify your heart out and its free! What else could you want!?
- I would have started networking earlier with fellow entrepreneurs. It was only at the end of my .blogspot.com career that I started communicating properly with other bloggers, and fortunately with the start of this new blog, I was able to build powerful relationships and learn a lot from other bloggers who had previously been in my position. Better still their links from their sites continues to help my SEO cause still today!
- I would have taken advantage more of EzineArticles, Digg, Technorati, Feedburner, Performancing and all the other programs I now use which helps running a blog so much easier. That’s what entrepreneurship is all about – building efficient systems – and I consider my blog as being a system to serve other entrepreneurs like myself.
However, what I would definitely do the most, is to not focus on the money aspect of blogging. A few months ago, I would check my Adsense account a few times everyday, waiting for that all important, morale boosting click, that most of the time would never come. This in itself showed my reasons for blogging. At the start of this new blog I realised I had to change in order to keep my sanity, and prevent me from experiencing burnout and exhaustion.
Im so proud of the progress that I’ve made, and all of the information I have learned in half a year, that in retrospect I wouldn’t have changed a thing whilst blogging. I might not even be here today, if I didn’t follow the steps I took in the baby-years of my blogging. I still don’t care if I make $0.00 in a day, I care more importantly about sharing my information, helping others out, providing content, and helping blogging reach new heights.