10 Reasons Why TextLinkAds and ReviewMe are Kicking Blogging Butt
Lately it’s all been about ReviewMe and Text Link Ads (aff). These sister companies are becoming the base of online income and you can find their names on almost any page in the blogosphere, such is the consumer base and loyalty they have garnered and attracted.
Recently, I completely sold out on my TLA sidebar spots – meaning that I now have 8 monthly advertisers! I raised the amount to 10 now, so still 2 more spaces left if you wanna buy your ad! And I did a review of NorthxEast Business Blog which managed to earn me $50 which I finally received on March 1st.
But the fun isn’t just stopping there. A few days back, ReviewMe announced the arrival of their much waited upon affiliate program.
To quote from the blog:
“Not only will the affiliate program drive traffic to your individual listing at ReviewMe which will encourage review sales for you but it will also pay you $25 for any referred sale even if the visitor does not purchase a review from your blog.”
Unfortunately and unlike TLA, ReviewMe only coughs up the $25 if you refer an advertiser who will buy a blog post. For publisher referrals there is unfortunately no reward. Maybe this is to do with the increasing amount of publishers signing up day after day – Im not really sure. Anyhoo, here’s my brand spanking new affiliate button which you can use if you want to buy some ads to boost Pagerank, Search Engine Recognition and traffic for that all important site, blog or forum in the form of a review:
But why are these TLA and ReviewMe so dang popular? Here are 10 sweet reasons:
1. An easily navigable site – means that you can find what you want where you want it. TLA utilizes the common function of categories, whilst ReviewMe has gone web 2.0ish by using tags instead. Either way, browsing for an advert opportunity has never been easier!
2. Cheap links on newly submitted sites – looking for a cheap, quality advert on someone elses blog? Search for New Text Link Ads, check for high Alexa ranking blogs and high Link Popularity at a low price ($15 is a steal). New sites tend to be underpriced due to unseen potential by the TLA robots – so take advantage of it!
3. Great prices for your established sites – if you own a site which has been around for 6 months or more, chances are that you’ll be looking to sell an ad at $35, meaning that you can come away having scooped up $17.50 per month, per ad. Times that by 10 potential ad spaces and you’re laughing!
4. All legwork is taken care of – thanks to TLA and ReviewMe’s automatic nature, all you have to do is take a few minutes to sign up and submit site details and sit back and let the Sales departments find you advertisers, add the links to your site through the piece of code and pay you directly into your Paypal account!
5. Recurring income for publishers – once you’ve got a site thats always got a few advertisers wanting an ad place, you’ve got yourself a nice little income stream that will deposit itself to your Paypal account at the start of every month so you don’t have to rely upon Adsense clicks, and so that you can fund the next stage of your website growth.
6. Great advertiser SEO benefits – Recently, Travis did a case study to see how well text link ads work for publishers. And the results show that if you buy a link on a high PR site with a good Alexa and Technorati rank, then you can gain the Search Engine benefits and help to boost the rep and stats for your site too. ReviewMe reviews also encourage deeper linking as authors really try to find the gems in your Archives.
7. They’ve got Patrick Gavin – what more can I say? I found a really good story telling of his good doings and my experience is that the man is the backbone of the 2 companies. He follows up to every email you send him, responds in a friendly way, and goes out of his way to make sure that you as the advertiser or publisher are happy. Good work Gav!
8. Both companies are easily contactable – email addresses come as standard, but TLA takes this to the next level with their “tollfree” phone number.
9. Both have a blog – this is a wise move by the company as it allows advertisers and publishers to keep up to date with whats going on behind the scenes. Linkbuildingblog and ReviewMe’s version also help to generate a community aspect to the 2 sites, creating traffic. It’s also nice to know that the sister companies practice what they preach 🙂
10. Finally, they have bucket loads of exposure – seriously, how many articles have you seen promoting the hell out of TLA and singing its praises (not including this one!)? TLA and ReviewMe thanks to their innovative and well-paying services are in most people’s good books and as a result have endless amounts of exposure – their affiliate programs help this so much too.
So there we have it, 10 dang good reasons why these companies are gonna keep growing and growing and growing. I’m sure in a few years time the sites will be worth a nice deal of money to say Google, Yahoo or eBay? Keep going Patrick and the gang, you’ve won me over.
And to those new advertisers or publishers wanting to learn more? Signup at Text Link Ads or ReviewMe (aff) and get earning/promoting/loving!