I stumbled across this site today from various blogs mentioning their services.
103Bees.com helps to analyse your search engine traffic more and as a result promises to increase your revenue as you will know what terms search engine visitors are using to get to your site. 103Bees says,
“It’s a real-time online web analytics tool that is highly focused on search term analysis. Everything you need to know about your search engine traffic in one place!
Compared to other web analytics services you get a lot more in-depth information and detailed statistics on your search engine traffic and on the search terms that drive visitors to your pages.”
This looks like an interesting one to watch out for in the future. Im going to signup for it, but because my site is pretty new and I don’t really have that much search engine traffic, it won’t work wonders for me right now anyway. If anyone has tried it out, please comment and tell me what its like.