End of Poll: 2 To 9 Domain Names Prevails
We reach the end of another poll, and this time I’ve let this run only for 15 days – a bit shorter than the last poll which ran for a whole month! Anyway, we’ve seen the largest amount of voters (44 in total) thanks to an increase in uniques and traffic which means a wider range and correlation of results. So thanks to all who took the few seconds to give their opinion.
The question I asked was “How Many Domain Names Do You Own?” These didn’t have to be developed sites, just simply the domains that you’ve bought and that you still own. The results can be seen below:
- 1 Domain – 4 votes (9%)
- 2-9 Domains – 20 votes (45%)
- 10-20 Domains – 8 votes (18%)
- 21-49 Domains – 4 votes (9%)
- 50-99 Domains – 4 votes (9%)
- 100+ Domains – 2 votes (5%)
- No Domains – 2 votes (5%)
As you can firstly see, we’ve had a wide range of results, and this has really helped to gain a more accurate description of the types of reader Im getting here at Blogtrepreneur.
What really struck me was the amount of readers (45%) who can already be considered at Internet Entrepreneurs or “Webpreneurs” as the phrase has more recently been coined. You guys are the people who’re getting your hands messy in the domaining world. For the readers who own more than 21 domains, I can see that you may be experimenting with the purchase and sale of domain names which can bring about a good rate of return if done professionally and with the right knowledge. For a great series on domaining head on over to Erik’s Series on Domaining.
Im yet to try this type of online income stream but I’ve heard good and bad stories. If you’ve done a bit of domain flipping for yourself, or if you have a nice portfolio of TLD’s then drop us a comment about how you’ve become successful at what you do.
And to the 2-9 domainers, Im glad I’ve got you on board because my soon to be released written eBook on entrepreneurship online is right down your street!
Finally, in terms of registering domain names, I’ve always found NameCheap to be quick, cheap and efficient at securing my purchases. They even offer a free WhoisGuard if you buy a domain name. Many also use GoDaddy but I can’t recommend them as I’ve never tried them out for myself. Again if you’ve got another domain registrar who you think needs mentioning, then drop in a comment! Watch this space for the next poll on websites.