Freshly Squeezed Blog Juice Anyone?

My Blog Juice
Whilst talking to Patrick Gavin (owner of TLA) yesterday, he mentioned a cool little tool which his company had just released for all publishers and indeed for all bloggers in the blogosphere. It’s called the Blog Juice Calculator and it basically calculates the popularity of your blog compared to other major weblogs in your niche field.

As you can see, Blogtrepreneur has an indexed Juice of 4.1 which (by talking to other bloggers) seems to be a standard, especially amongst the minor blogs. Of course, sites such as Problogger and Entrepreneurs-Journey measure higher up the scale. This is because the TLA tool measures the amount of Bloglines subscribers your blog feed has, its Alexa Rank, its Technorati Rank and the number of Technorati Backlinks; therefore giving a much rounder picture.

While I was messing around a few hours ago, there was a field which let you compare your blog to another, but this seems to be missing – maybe Patrick has taken that particular part down, Im not sure. Also Im pretty sure I do have Bloglines subscribers, but the Blog Juicer doesn’t seem to think so – so take these rankings with a pinch of salt.

However all in all, Im really impressed with TLA’s creativeness and I hope they continue to innovate and push forward. Anyone want to share their Blog’s Juice?

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