Gearing Up For The CSS Reboot
Hello and a big welcome back to yours truly. Sorry I didn’t post earlier on this weekend to notify my arrival but I’ve been swamped with dealing with the rise and then the demise of a potential JV and getting stuff ready for the start of school.
Just quickly, I want to thank and rethank all those who managed to write some content for me whilst I was away. These include: Eric, Mark, Collis, Matt and Travis – I couldn’t have done it without you guys and you helped to keep traffic and RSS subscribership levels up at that all-time high. And thanks to the readers for providing such thought provoking discussion and for trackbacking and continuing the talks on your own blogs. Its been nice to come back to some nice debates.
Anyway, back to the site – as you probably know I’ve been planning the launch of my very own new Blogtrepreneur theme. I did have this planned to be finished a little while back, but I recently had to ask my programmer to base the whole theme on the Cutline framework instead of K2 for better organic search results.

Coincidentally, we’ve also managed to tie this relaunch in with the Spring CSS Reboot 2007. In case you guys don’t know what this is:
“The CSS Reboot is a community event for web professionals and enthusiasts. Every November 1st and May 1st at 18:00 GMT, Rebooters from all over the world launch their standards based website redesigns simultaneously; bringing traffic, interest and a little respect to their sites. There are no prizes or arbitrary winners, just great exposure and the knowledge that we all participated in something great.”
So I expect to launch my brand new design on May 1st – which also happens to be my birthday! Let’s just hope that as a birthday present, the blogosphere sends me a whole torrent of traffic love!
Anyway and more importantly, I submitted my website. To be able to get to the front page after reboot day, my site needs 5 votes by viewers. At the moment I’m only on 2 votes and I really want 3 more to make it, so if you have time, quickly create a free account and vote for Blogtrepreneur!
As an incentive, whoever does vote for Blogtrepreneur will get a free PR4 link from me in my next post! Just contact me to let me know that you’ve voted and I’ll hook ya up!
UPDATE: Within 3 hours of me posting this up, I’ve secured the 5 votes needed to make it through to the next round! Thanks will be given to those who voted and contacted me…so thanks for the rapid response guys!
So there we have it…a little update and hopefully it won’t be too long before I get my new design on the road!