Going Away For A Week – Part 2

After 10 days back at home, its time to say Goodbye again as I jet off to France for 6 more fun-filled days. After having been on a Geography Field Trip for 6 days at the beginning of the holidays, I feel fully reenergized to go away again and can’t wait to get to France.

In the mean time, I’ve been a bit more pro-active this time, and as a result, this week you’re in for a treat! I’ve got hopefully 5 guest posters on board to publish their articles throughout the week. These include posts from Mark, Travis, Collis, Brian and Matt. I’ve seen a few of the posts and I can say that they’re great reads, so stay tuned.

As usual, Brian will be your host as Moderator and Official Babysitter whilst I am away so I thank him in advance for his hard work in replying to you guys.

So with nothing left to say, have a great week and please give my guest posters a warm welcome by commenting loads!