Happy Belated 1st Birthday Blogtrepreneur!
In the hubub of school, homework and moving this blog into stage 2 of its design life, I completely missed my own 1st Birthday! On the 26th of February 2006, I made my first “Welcome” post on my Blogger account. Since then, I’ve only racked up 180 or so posts, but the growth in terms of traffic, RSS and income has been staggering and truly worth the wait.
Advice: If you create a blog, spend time writing, writing and writing more because content really is king and will pay for itself tenfold in the future.
So as a quick summary, I just want to thank you – my readers for having stuck with me over the past year, or if you’ve just joined thanks for droppping by. I hope I can last another year by going from strength to strength.
P.S. As a little Birthday treat for myself, I’m getting a new blog design! But expect more info on this throughout the week. And as an unrelated pressie, I just one $10 in a competition courtesy of Stuart from PimpMyPageRank.com. Check out the next one for your chance to win $10 as well!