How To Develop Income Streams
We’ve all seen it before. “Lets start a blog or a website that will be really easy to get up and running, then we’ll put some free internet content on it, then we’ll cover the page with Adsense and wait for the millions to roll into the account.”
You tell your friends to go to your site, and maybe click a few ads here and there (which you definitely should not do in the first place seeing as its banned by Google’s Terms Of Service). “Oh Wow! I’ve earned $1 today, that will definitely grow by tomorrow“. Tomorrow comes and goes and the next day passes and soon its a month and you’ve got nothing, nada, zilch.
Apart from taking the “hit and hope” solution to making easy money on the internet, you’ve also done a very silly thing. You’ve relied solely on Adsense to cover your startup costs, your profits and any expenditure that you might run into whilst on the net. What happens when all of a sudden Google bans your account for fraudulent clicks? You’re stuck in the mud with no place to go, and a lot of waiting time if you’re signing up with a new advertising solution. This means no revenue for that period of time, no profit and no growth which is what the entrepreneur name of the game is.
So how do you go about this? Diversify your income! Let’s put the beginning scenario into perspective again. Imagine now that you have your site with not only Adsense, but Text Link Ads (aff.) as well serving as an extra income stream. Then if you get banned from Adsense then you’ve got the other TLA advertising solution to fall back on, which will prevent you from losing revenue and profit to grow your business.
The phrase “Income Stream” is very popular on the net, but more important in the real world. Having money to fall back on that you’ve created from a different angle definitely can help get you out of a tight situation, and can also build up on the sideline over a few months or years. Everyone wants a bit more pocket money! Whilst surfing the World Wide Web, there are a great many examples that you can profit from and use to your own advantage which can mean that you will increase your chances of conversions or sales. Take the famous Problogger, namely Darren Rowse. I talk about him a lot as he has managed to perfect his Income Gaining Skills due to the way in which blogging supports his family:
- Firstly, Darren uses Google Adsense to provide readers of his blog with a 1 click exit option, or a chance to go to a page that interests them, and that is associated with a specific article
- Rowse also has a handful of affiliate links in his left sidebar which no doubt pay a healthy cut of whatever product is sold to the user that arrives from
- Problogger also features Adbrite, another text link solution, which handles the processing of payments, links on your site and much more. All you have to do is put a piece of code on your site. Text Link Ads (aff.) also offers services like this and much more, so go on and check it out!
- Finally and most imaginative and ingenious, Darren Rowse setup his own e-course called Six Figure Blogging which helps new bloggers optimize earnings for their blogs, and puts them on the road to earning “$10,000 a month”. Im sure this figure can only be achieved with daily motivation but nevertheless, he probably gets a healthy sum of money for each ECourse sold, another example of yet another income stream.
Now you can see how these very savvy people realise the importance of diversifying income, so maybe you should give it a go too. Try signing up at Text Link Ads and you could also benefit from their affiliate program like I am! As you develop more and more ways of earning money, you will find that having a bad Adsense day won’t feel like such a bummer.