How To Miss Out on Great Opportunities

As some of you may know. Today was a fantastic day for me. Not only did I go and watch the tennis at Wimbledon and was spotted on TV (I was on a close-up!), I got linked to by Yaro Starak’s site Entrepreneur’s Journey. I wrote an article for him about Getting More Return Visitors to your site. The article went up yesterday in front of a subscribership of about 1500 people and Alexa ranking of 21,000 which is extremely good.

As I left for tennis I thought that I was going to see a huge spike in traffic. Unfortunately today when I looked at my stats I was extremely disappointed. It seemed that I received no visitors at all in the afternoon. After receiving an email from Matt, I realised that my server had been down at the time of the linkback from Yaro’s blog. I still feel really annoyed!

So I missed out on a great opportunity, but what does this mean. I could have had more visitors, more subscribers sign up for my blog, more clicks on Adsense and so on and so forth. However these things could happen to anyone. The way in which my server “conveniently” crashed just shows how vulnerable we are to any changes going on around us. This reiterates the point that I made a few comments back that we are never secure in business, and I doubt that this security will ever be defeated.

So on the back of my disappointment I felt like writing about How You Too Can Miss Out On Fantastic Opportunities (all written in the negative form!). Here are my bullet points:

  • Make sure that your visitors cannot see your webpage through no fault of your own
  • Do not let visitors sign up for your RSS feeds once they are on your site, so that they don’t know when you’ve posted a new article
  • Have no Adsense on your site, or no affiliates, so that you cannot collect any revenue for your blogging efforts (of course some people may actually wish to do this which is perfectly acceptable).
  • Finally, if people comment on your site, do not respond, or better still act rude and hostile
  • If you do want to make the best out of a good link or trackback then do the opposite of what I’ve just said. And just pray that your site runs smoothly and that everything runs like clockwork!

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