New Poll: ReviewMe – Capitalizing on Potential Revenue

ReviewMeIts been quite a while since we’ve had a poll here on Blogtrepreneur. One of the primary reasons behind this was a problem concerning the Democracy plugin which I used to use regularly. Recently, the bug that was causing SEO problems was fixed, so I downloaded the new Version 2.0.1 and put it in the right sidebar to get more of your reader opinions.

Polls will again last for 1 week only so as not to drag them on. All Im asking for is 10 seconds of your time to place your vote as this will help me also to get demographics regarding the makeup of my readers. Its also a bit of fun. As a side note, Darren had some problems with the plugin and sidebar compatibility so if there’s a design problem, I may have to take the poll down – for now though its functioning fine.

On our hands this week Im debating the motion of whether to keep doing paid reviews by ReviewMe. I know, I know, you’re probably thinking that you’ve heard way too much of the subject, but I really want to get conclusive evidence as to whether paid posts are harming my blog.

As you may recall, a month or so ago, I reviewed the service. Since then I have been paid $30 to do another review. After each post was published I noticed a significant drop in subscribers. On top of this I got a comment saying that $30 just wasn’t worth it. However, this amount happens to be more than I earn per month with TextLinkAds (by a few cents!), and a whole lot more than Adsense.

Im stuck in the middle and need your help to decide what to do. I’ll let this run until next Sunday or Monday before releasing the final results and making my mind up. So if you’re reading by RSS – click on the my link to vote, and head on over to halfway down the right sidebar.

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