Retro Theme for WordPress Contest Winner 2020!
With thousands and thousands of WordPress themes, it can be overwhelming to find the perfect theme to highlight your work (or play) and make it shine. To help you find the best theme, we decided to hold a theme contest and determine once and for all which WordPress theme is the best. We chose to focus our contest on retro and vintage themes, as they are an increasingly popular theme.
Out of all the retro WordPress themes, none compare to the Pure Retro Vintage WordPress Theme by the one and only After looking at the many different vintage themes on WordPress, it is obvious that this theme is quite simply the top retro WordPress theme. It outperforms the other themes in many different ways, as you will see in this article.
The WordPress Retro Theme Contest
We held this contest to make it easier for WordPress users to find a theme that really complements their work. Above all else, we wanted to know which theme would really give the content of WordPress users the focus that it deserves. The Pure Retro Portfolio One Page Vintage WordPress Theme (its full name) is geared specifically towards giving its users the best website experience they can have.
To decide which theme really was the best, we had several different aspects that we looked at. We checked the price of the themes to see whether they were worth the investment. We compared the price with the quality to see if the theme really deserved the price that it had.
We also took a look at reviews from customers to see which ones were highly recommended. Another set of criteria we had was the overall usability and functionality of the theme.
After taking into consideration these general criteria, we looked more in-depth into the details of each theme and what they can offer. Being fully responsive, having SEO coding, superb customer service, detailed documentation, and ease of use were all factors that we evaluated. In all of these categories, the Pure Retro Theme stood out above the rest.
The Contest Winner: Pure Retro
At this point you probably want to know the details of why the this theme is so impressive. One of the major factors why Pure Retro won our contest was because of how affordable it is. At only $44, it is one of the cheaper themes available on WordPress. For artists or entrepreneurs, this affordable price is a great benefit. Most other themes can cost around $60.
According to SJS Web Design, a company that does web design in London, one of the best ways to determine the quality of a theme is to look at the reviews from customers. Currently, the theme has the highest possible rating of 5 stars on Theme Forest.
Among other things, reviewers were especially wowed by how easy to use it was.
Another factor that customers particularly enjoyed was how they could easily customize it to fit their needs. Other customers who purchased this theme commented that they loved how it made their work look. Every comment on the purchase had a response from the creator, which shows great customer service.
This combination of affordability and a high rating makes the vintage theme stand out. Other WordPress themes that are affordable often have three or four and a half stars.
Pure Retro’s rating is one of the best for themes, just like its price. Other themes might have one of these factors, but it is rare to find a theme that you know is high quality and that you can afford.
Who Will Love Pure Retro the Most?
The short answer is that any WordPress user will enjoy using Pure Retro, but there are a few types of users who will really benefit from this theme. The Theme is a perfect fit for WordPress users who are artists, creative types, and others who want to have a platform for their content.
Being an artist/creative personality is often not a high paying position. Knowing that your WordPress theme is affordable and high quality is one of the many amazing benefits of purchasing Pure Retro. Making an investment into a good WordPress theme can increase exposure to your work and bring more profit in the long-term.
Retro themes are meant to have a vintage and artistic feel to them. These themes shouldn’t distract from your artwork. In fact, one of the great benefits of a theme is that they often can make your work look even better. The best themes highlight your work and Pure Retro does exactly that.
One of the benefits of this product is that it is very simplistic. This allows your work to be the center of attention. Other themes can be too flashy and take the focus away from your creativity. The minimal beauty of Pure Retro keeps content as king and looks fantastic as well.
Both experienced and new artists need a platform to increase their online presence. Whether you are a photographer, graphic designer, painter, or any other type of artist, an online portfolio makes your work much more accessible.
Artists, Designers, oh my…
Artists who want to present their artistic portfolios have found that Pure Retro is a fantastic platform to use. The simple and clean features make it optimal for showing art portfolios. Due to the ease of use and customization, all you have to do is put your art online and watch as your website takes off.
Other users have enjoyed using Pure Retro for their wedding pictures. Whether you are a wedding photographer showing your work or newlyweds who want to share their photos with friends or family, Pure Retro will show your special day in all of its glory.
Newlyweds who may not be familiar with WordPress will love how easy it is to put their work online. Professional photographers will also enjoy how this theme directs attention to the nuances in their photos.
A third user of the Pure theme are bloggers. Having a theme for your blog ensures that your words remain the focal point.
You want your blog to look attractive and also keep your content central. The Pure Vintage Theme makes your blog look great and keeps your content in the spotlight.
What makes this an awesome Portfolio theme?
One of the best features of Pure Retro is the portfolio. It allows visitors to your site to see your pictures in a high quality format. You can put as much of your content as you want on it.
The portfolio is the center of attention in Pure Retro. When visitors first visit your page, they will be welcomed by smaller versions of your pictures with short captions under them. Despite the smaller size, these pictures still retain their clarity and quality.
Looking at the full picture is as easy as simply clicking on the smaller photo. There is also space next to the photo to put in further descriptions if you want. You can use this space to share the story behind your art or photo.
The photos also come with an easy option to share on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+. This easy to share feature makes it simple to share your portfolio on your social media sites. Increasing your overall Internet presence through sharing your posts is a great way to bring more people to your website.
Fully Responsive WordPress Theme
Another reason why Pure Retro won our contest was because it is usable across a spectrum of devices. As a fully responsive WordPress theme, it is easy to read on computers, iPhones, iPads, and any other devices that you might have.
Regardless of which device you are using, you won’t lose any of the functionality or other features that Pure Retro has. Imagine being able to pull up your website on your iPhone and show to a friend no matter where you are. This quick accessibility gives you the opportunity to show off your work anywhere on any device.
Ease of Installation and Use
Yet another third feature of Pure Retro is how easy to install it is. Within 15 minutes or less, your website will be up and running. This is one of the least complicated installation processes for WordPress themes. To put it in perspective, it takes longer to watch an episode of the popular T.V. show “The Office” than it does to install Pure Retro.
The detailed documentation, which comes with the theme, covers everything you need to know. There is no need to be tech savvy and experienced with WordPress, as Pure Retro is designed for a simple installation.
After setting up your website, you can customize it to fit your personal preferences. Many other WordPress themes give you a set page that you can’t change. Pure Retro allows you to customize your page.
The Pure Retro theme is designed with your creativity in mind. Giving you the ability to modify how your website looks guarantees that your work will be displayed exactly like you want it to be.
Although this isn’t directly connected to the theme itself, one other fantastic aspect of Pure Retro is the customer service. Customers who had problems with the installation found their questions answered quickly and efficiently. The creator of the theme will typically respond in less than one business day.
Awesome Support
Pure Retro also offers six months of hands on support for any and every difficulty you might experience. For a small fee you can increase that amount of time to a full 12 months.
Having this immediate and accessible support will allow you to focus completely on your work. You’ll never have to worry about solving technical difficulties.
Compatibility and Software
If you are familiar with WordPress and other websites, you’re probably curious about the compatibility and software of Pure Retro. Being compatible on various Internet browsers and WordPress editions is essential to any theme.
Pure Retro is compatible with Internet Explorer 10 and 11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Chrome. This long list of compatibility increases the likelihood that your platform will be found by Internet users regardless of their preferred browser.
Our contest winner can also be used on a variety of WordPress versions. It is usable on WordPress software versions 3.9 through the most up to date version of WordPress. This wide software usability ensures that no matter what version you have, Pure Retro will work for you.
Vintage One Page Doesn’t Get Any Better
As a WordPress user, you want to make it simple for people to visit your website and see your work. With a one page vintage WordPress theme, you’ll have all your important content available on one page.
The simple and straightforward page is easy for visitors to navigate and look at your content. Everything that is vital to your website will be in one place that anybody can easily access. This ease of use is a huge reason why we loved the Pure Retro theme.
Is The SEO Up To Snuff?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is something that every single website needs to have. You need that advantage to draw more visitors to your website. Using SEO will direct more online attention to your website and to your content.
Pure Retro offers SEO coding that will make it easier for people searching on the internet to find your website. You don’t have to be an expert in SEO to make use of it. The theme makes it easy for you to attach tags and pull in Internet traffic.
Price – Good, Bad, Cheap Theme?
As we mentioned earlier, the Pure Retro theme is an easily affordable $44. It is one of the cheapest available. When you combine the price with all of the features that we just explained, it is obvious why Pure Retro was our contest winner.
It was due to all of these features that Pure Retro won our WordPress theme contest. The combination of affordability, functionality, and customer service made them an easy choice. This really is one of the best themes available on WordPress.
Retro Theme 2020 Contest Runner-ups
While these other themes may not have won our contest, we still wanted to show them to you. Each of them have some great qualities, but simply weren’t as good as this theme.
The Second Place Price – Old Style Portfolio
Our first runner-up is the Retro Portfolio-One Page Vintage WordPress Theme. While the price is the same as Pure Retro, at $44, you don’t get quite as much for your investment.
This theme isn’t as accessible for WordPress users who aren’t as experienced with websites. WordPress regulars will be able to navigate it, but if you’re just starting off you might find this theme overwhelming.
3rd Place – Wild Book Vintage Theme
Another theme that we looked at was the Wild Book Vintage Theme. At $39, it is cheaper than Pure Retro. Despite the lower price, we chose Pure Retro over this theme partly because of Pure Retro’s easy set up.
Although Wild Book’s set up process is not overly complicated, it is not as easy as Pure Retro. It’s difficult to beat the 15 minutes or less with Pure Retro. The detailed documentation and customer service was another plus for Pure Retro.
Another reason why we went with Pure Retro was the one page functionality. Having one page is ideal for many artists who want visitors to see their artwork right away when looking at their website.
4th Place – Hipster-Retro Responsive WordPress Theme
Another participant in our contest was the Hipster-Retro Responsive WordPress Theme. Hipster is a good WordPress theme, but not quite good enough to be our winner. At $59, it is one of the more expensive WordPress themes. Purchasing support for your website is also more expensive than for Pure Retro.
It also isn’t one page. Just like with Wild Book, we preferred the one page setting of Pure Retro. You want your website to get straight to the point and keep your content in the spotlight. A one page theme quite simply makes it easier for that to happen.
Wrapping up the 2020 Vintage Theme Contest
Hopefully this contest gave you some clarity on the best retro WordPress themes. There was fierce competition amongst many incredible themes, but Pure Retro was our favorite. Having a one page portfolio, being affordable, and incredible support makes it quite simple to use this theme.
If you’re new to having an online presence for your content, this theme is the best fit for you. Pure Retro takes care of the technical aspects and allows you to devote all your energy to creating better content. Building an Internet platform is an easy task if you’re using Pure Retro.
If you aren’t using Pure Retro as your hosting platform, our recommendation is that you head right on over to your site and begin the set-up process. It’s a savvy business decision that will take only slightly longer than the time you just spent reading about our contest. We’re confident that you’ll find that this investment into your creative content will pay off.