Time Runs Out – Use It Wisely
Its been 5 days since I wrote my last post at Blogtrepreneur. I think this has been the longest time between articles since the start of the .com era of this blog, so if you’ve been waiting and wanting more posts, then I apologize (even though you shouldn’t really apologize to your readers for not posting – Blogging Rule Of Thumb No.1!)
Anyway, life has become rather hectic for me. In general, lessons are more demanding, taking up more time at home and at school so Im unable to do the stuff I really want to do (make sites, populate them, write, go on the internet…) At the same time I’ve been playing a bit of tennis recently and have a tournament coming up on Saturday. More exciting news includes starting a company at my school for Young Enterprise, which is a program lasting a year, which allows school pupils to have a taste of what running a real business is like. Fortunately for me, Im the Financial Director (always had a soft spot for Maths), and so am in charge of the money! I couldn’t think of anything better to do.
No doubt I’ll be going into that in more detail, but I won’t give away my ideas just yet, in case my competitors are lurking around this blog! Other news in my life includes the start of a monthly fast. Now in general (apart from the one time) you’ve hardly heard me talk about religion. Its not something that I like to bring into an entrepreneur blog, however at the same time, I feel its important to let the reader have an insight into the type of stuff I do. The fast (in the month of Ramadan) includes not eating or drinking from sunrise till sunset. The idea behind this is to gain discipline, to see how life would be like for those less fortunate than I am, and also acts as a useful detox for the body. Fasting and religion as a whole helps to give me direction in life, now while this may not be the case for everyone, I think it definitely gives me a headstart as an entrepreneur.
So what am I trying to get at in this run-down of my life events. Time is a commodity and one which you have to use wisely. Many people have talked about the different ways you can manage your time (divide each part into 10 minute section etc), but use whichever method suits you, otherwise – like me – you’ll see yourself missing out on vital opportunities, having many delays, missing posts and generally feeling down in the dumps because you havn’t got time to do the stuff that you were planning.