Update – 26.10.06

Wow, where does all the time go? After my great Eid celebrations I havn’t posted here on Blogtrepreneur even though I’ve been meaning to. So now here goes for a little update on what’s going on behind the scenes.

On Monday I went visiting my grandparents for the festival and the day after that I journeyed into London with some friends. It was a good day out and a whole 2 days away from the computer. Sometimes a break is all that you need to get your mind back in gear and to start thinking with more clarity and more ration. Thanks to everyone who left comments in my last post.

On the blog I’ve been editing and making small changes in the template. I downloaded and installed Alex King’s Popularity Contest Plugin. For a few weeks now I havn’t been happy with my Popular posts as they didn’t really reflect the newer posts that had been gaining traction, comments and trackbacks. This new plugin which you can see in my left sidebar ranks posts depending on all these factors and pageviews to give readers a chance to view the very best of Blogtrepreneur!

I also recently became a Performancing Publisher. At the moment, their house ad is displayed in my left sidebar underneath the Adbrite and TLA ads. At the moment they have priced my blog at $25 per ad per month, out of which I will receive 70%, and 30% will be Performancing’s cut. I think this price is very fair and on par with Adbrite and TLA and as an advantage I receive more of my money! This is also yet another income stream coming from this blog so overall Im extremely pleased.

Since I made User Verification compulsory for the Blogtrepreneur Forums I’ve been noticing a drop in spamming as well, so that will hopefully give me more time for other projects.

I’ve also been contacted and in contact with a lot of people in terms of doing Joint Ventures. However I’ve been having to turn down a lot of them because I simply do not have the time due to school work, blogging here and some new sites that Im releasing on my own. One of these includes my first journey into creating an AIS (Automated Income Stream), so keep watching for news of the release of the site.

So just to take my mind off my own projects, how are you guys getting on with your businesses? Please comment and share your recent ups and downs!

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