How to Start a Career in Website Design

With a little bit of imagination and some creative skills, you could embark on an interesting and rewarding career as a website designer. Today every company, institution and foundation needs to be online if they want to have their message heard. More and more people shop, bank, study and communicate online and an entity’s website has to make an extraordinary first impression in order for the public to return. Website design, you may say, is helping the entity create an unforgettable virtual business card.
So what needs to be done to begin your career in website design?
Getting the Paperwork Ready
Your first decision is whether or not you feel that you need to pursue an education in website design so that you have the relevant certification. Colleges across the globe offer formal courses, which may be great to give you a good basis in website design, and if you’re hoping to get a job with a specific company, they may be impressed with your accolades. On the other hand, if you have the talent, the networking savvy and some good ideas, you may be able to build a portfolio of websites that you’ve built in the past, and that may be enough to get you through the door. The bottom line is that if you’re good, the customer won’t really care if you have a Harvard degree or not!
Checking Out the Best
If you choose to build up a portfolio, you will first want to analyze websites that make a great first impression. See what makes them stand out. Check out factors such as navigational ease, coloring, fonts, tabs, use of icons, and so forth. There is so much competition in the world of business that only the best will get noticed. Take as an example the online gambling industry, where there are literally thousands of sites. What makes an online casino such as stand out from the rest? Notice its fast loading time, attractive animations, easy links to popular online casino games and information bytes that provide lots of data without being an overkill.
Invest in the Right Tools
This one may seem obvious, but you won’t be able to compete as a web designer if you don’t have the right utensils. Some you can get for free on the internet, but others are worth investing in. Graphic editing software, Adobe Photoshop and the likes, as well as several other tools will go a long way in making sure that your work is of the highest quality.
Good luck in your career as web designer!