
Category Archives for "How To"

How to Make a Career Out of Airbnb

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away referred to as ‘The city by the Bay’, lived a man who went by the alias name of Jackson White. White bought a house, which he paid using the money he earned by renting his apartment out on Airbnb, about $50,000. In this house, White […]

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How to Take the “Yikes!” Out of Yelp

Yelp is one of the first places that consumers look when they need a review on a business or a restaurant. This means that for small business owners, Yelp can either be an awesome tool or a terrible liability. Yelp offers owners a free account for their business and then publishes crowd-sourced reviews of that […]

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How To Recruit The Perfect Employee

The perfect employee can be an elusive breed of job seeker; they are that rare, perfect mix of dedication, passion, talent and friendliness that every employer is hoping to find. The perfect employee surpasses our expectations, invigorates the whole team and does it with a smile, so how do you go about finding them? Recruitment […]

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