
Category Archives for "Life"

How to Find the Best Sit and Stand Stroller

After more than a decade working in marketing, I recently decided to become a full-time stay at home mom to take care of my 4-year-old son and 6-month-old daughter. As a 34-year-old mother of two children at such different ages, I was interested in finding the best sit and stand jogging stroller that could accommodate […]

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A Simple Saving Strategy for Challenging Times

While there are many points of debate surrounding Brexit, the economy and the impact on consumer spending remain the most pertinent. There are many compelling statistics to add colour and depth to these arguments, with Credit Suisse recently predicting that leaving the EU would cause a snap recession in the UK and shave 2% off […]

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Free Gun Control Images For Bloggers & Journalists

This page features images that bloggers and journalists can use for free under the creative commons license. They are perfect for articles about gun legislation or the gun control debate. Please include the following attribution: “Photo by under Creative Commons License” You must link to this page:

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